
The 3rd BFA Madchester classic Freediving competition – Rebecca Coales breaks the UK Dynamic with Fins freediving record

The 3rd BFA Madchester Freediving competition Rebecca Coales breaking the UK Dynamic with Fins freediving record   Rebecca Coales, trained by Steve Millard of the Apneists UK group, managed to extend her own record from 179 metres to 186 [...]

By |2020-01-02T13:47:19+00:00February 26th, 2014|Competitions, News|Comments Off on The 3rd BFA Madchester classic Freediving competition – Rebecca Coales breaks the UK Dynamic with Fins freediving record

Fins4u ‘Pure Evolution’ Bi-fins

As a spearfisher and competitive freediver using bi-fins I am always looking for gains in efficiency and reliability. At the 2013 Great Northern International Pool Freediving Competition UKI used the Fins4u 'Pure Evolution DP' fins for the first time [...]

By |2019-04-10T11:56:53+01:00October 1st, 2013|Reviews|Comments Off on Fins4u ‘Pure Evolution’ Bi-fins

Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series: From a Freediver Safety perspective

After a busy day preparing for a record attempt I trawled through my information stream of e-mails. In the Inbox was a welcome sight. The organiser of the safety crew for the Red Bull Cliff diving World Series had [...]

By |2019-04-25T19:53:56+01:00September 15th, 2013|News|Comments Off on Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series: From a Freediver Safety perspective

Aqua Sphere Pursuit SL Universal Triathlon Wet suit ‘Sleeveless’

Advertised as an ‘entry level’ triathlon wetsuit, the Sleeveless Aqua Sphere Pursuit SL Universal Triathlon Wetsuit seems to have receive an overwhelming thumbs-up by online customers for its durability, quality, fit, comfort and price . . . So, will it lend itself just as well to [...]

By |2019-04-10T11:56:53+01:00July 4th, 2013|Reviews|Comments Off on Aqua Sphere Pursuit SL Universal Triathlon Wet suit ‘Sleeveless’

UK Freediving Depth Championships

UK Freediving depth Championships 2012 Freediving competition announcement by Steve Millard: The date will be the weekend of the 26th/27th May 2012. There will be a social dive, and practice for the event the day, on Saturday 26th May and a meal [...]

By |2019-05-09T01:32:51+01:00April 13th, 2012|Competitions|Comments Off on UK Freediving Depth Championships


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