Snorkeling is a much loved sport, it is an easily accessible way of exploring the underwater world. You don’t need much equipment and the techniques used only taking a short time to learn, but it is worth learning the skills properly. This sport has become widely popular and is catered for worldwide.
*Minimum two people-
AIDA 2 course is 3 days and consists of 2 x theory sessions, 1 x pool session and 3 x open water dives.
- Participants have to be 18 years of age or older (16 with parental supervision)
- Medically fit
- Be able to swim at least 200 metres non-stop and 300 metres with mask, snorkel and fins.
The most basic course to learn freediving is with the AIDA 1 Star course, it is really a taster or for anyone with no previous freediving training, offered as a required minimum freediving entry level in conjunction with a spearfishing or mermaiding course. It is possible (and in many cases recommended) to go straight to the AIDA 2 Star qualification which industry wide is recognised as the first qualification you can dive independantly of a dive professional.
AIDA 1 Star Course is a theory and pool/shallow open water based qualification, ideal for beginners who are interested in learning the sport of Freediving especially for Scuba divers, open water swimmers, spearos, triathletes and snorkellers. -
This is the payment is somebody requires additional training beyond the scope of the course.
AIDA Competition Safety Freediver Course, the following knowledge development, confined water session and open water session are to be included:
This course consists of three theory sessions, two pool sessions and four open water dives. -
The No-Fins Freediver clinic is designed to be an introduction to No-Fins swimming and to help the student develop the basic skills, techniques and knowledge necessary to start the sport efficiently.
50% OFF if you do the course a second time for additional experience.
AIDA 3 course is 3 days minimum and consists of 3 x theory sessions, 2 x pool session and 4 x open water dives.
To successfully complete the AIDA 3 freediver course you will have to perform a 2 min. 45 sec. breath hold, swim 55 m underwater with fins and dive to 24 m in open water. You will receive the new AIDA 3 , 97 page fully illustrated e-manual to consolidate your theory. The concepts covered in this course include training tables, free fall, additional freediving equipment, improved equalisation and additional depth safety considerations and an in depth look into the Mammalian diving reflex. This extra information will help you start to put together a training plan for medium term improvements. -
This course consists of three theory sessions, two pool sessions and four open water dives.
To successfully complete the AIDA 4 freediver course you will have to perform a 3 minute 30 second breathold, swim 70 m underwater with fins and dive to 32 meters in the open water. -
The course will consist of a theory lecture to bring the student up to speed with current knowledge in this area, it will include some practical dry sessions, and then formation in the water for a static breath hold session under favourable conditions.
We will look at training zones and how to plan ahead for training, describe and practice some useful exercises, give you an idea of many relaxation exercises to practice regularly and during your static apnea practices and look at diet and nutrition and what you can do to maximise your statics.
We designed this course sometime ago, and it has benefitted previous students from the course. -
To become an Apneists mermaid does require some knowledge (for your safety, and that of your fellow mermaids). As there is no such thing as a ‘mermaiding’ qualification, we offer an AIDA 2 Star Pool-Freediver course (£125) followed by the club recognised Beginner mermaid course (£125) which will train you to use the mono-fin and tail proficiently. If you have no experience in Freediving, first follow the link to do the AIDA 2 Freediver pool course here:
AIDA 2 Pool Freediver If you are a qualified Freediver to at least AIDA 2 Pool level, you can pay below. Thank you -
Students will be introduced to different approaches to freediving with a Mono-fin, exercises designed to work on style and how to design a training program.
Advanced techniques will be covered far beyond any current course syllabus. We will use video analysis to help improve stroke. Students do not have to own a mono before the clinic to benefit. All instructors/guest speakers are to be previous UK squad members and/or UK record holders. There will be a minimum of two, hopefully three depending on student numbers to keep ratios low.50% OFF if you do the course a second time for additional experience.
To become an Apneists mermaid does require some knowledge (for your safety, and that of your colleges). As there is no such thing as a ‘mermaiding’ qualification (that is safe anyway), we offer an AIDA 2 Star Pool-Freediver course (£125) followed by the mono fin clinic (£125) which will train you to use the mono-fin proficiently. These are the same qualifications our performance freediving athletes would enter and it gives you a solid foundation in knowledge, confidence and technique.
This certificate if for pool environment only and does not include Openwater diving. You can however continue the Openwater section of the AIDA 2 Star course if you so choose (£150).