The lead instructor, Steve Millard, has been a first aider for 27 years, and teaching First aid since 1993, (Trainer certification) and has kept his skills up to date throughout that time. We currently offer courses through the EFR company, all of which cover all HSE standards.

Emergency First Response (EFR) is a comprehensive and innovative CPR and first aid program brought to you by the Emergency First Response Corp, a corporate affiliate of PADI.

The comprehensive program is composed of several courses that you can teach together or as stand-alone courses: Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR), Emergency First Response Secondary Care (First Aid) and Emergency First response Care For Children (CPR & First Aid) Together, these courses provide extensive instruction in CPR and first aid, as well as recommended Automated External Defibrillator (AED), emergency oxygen and conscious choking management skills.


Course Material: Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care Manual (with independent study section, skill workbook and reference guide)

Course Material & First Aid Kit: Includes Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care Manual (with independent study section, skill workbook and reference guide) a deluxe zip binder and the First Aid Pack First Aid Pack: Includes rolls, bandages, gauze, gloves and mouth barrier.

Available as part of the Deluxe Kit or la carte Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care Video.


The Emergency First Response method of learning is flexible to meet participant and instructor needs. You can choose to guide your participants using a self-study, video guided or instructor led approach. In addition, Emergency First Response has no market restrictions so you can teach it to anyone who wishes to acquire CPR and first aid training. And, anyone who has completed an EFR primary, secondary and Care for Children course ( or recognised equivalent) can become an Emergency First Response Instructor if they are 18 years of age.

  • Certification:
    EFR Primary & Secondary care.
  • Duration:
    1 Day (4-6 hours)
  • Equipment:
    All course materials and certifications are provided and included in the price.
  • Requirements:

The Emergency First Response method of learning is flexible to meet participant and instructor needs. You can choose to guide your participants using a self-study, video guided or instructor led approach. In addition, Emergency First Response has no market restrictions so you can teach it to anyone who wishes to acquire CPR and first aid training. And, anyone who has completed an EFR primary, secondary and Care for Children course ( or recognised equivalent) can become an Emergency First Response Instructor if they are 18 years of age.


This course covers emergency care for most life threatening emergencies. Participants focus on primary care through knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice. The major skills learned in this course are:

  • Scene Assessment
  • Barrier Use
  • Primary Assessment
  • Rescue Breathing
  • One Rescuer, Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Serious Bleeding Management
  • Shock Management
  • Recommended Skill: Automated External Defibrillator Orientation
  • Recommended Skill: Conscious Choking Adult
  • Recommended Skill: Emergency Oxygen Use Orientation
  • Emergency First Response Secondary Care (First Aid)


This course covers injuries or illnesses that are not immediately life threatening or when local EMS is unavailable or delayed. Participants focus on secondary assessments and the appropriate first aid through knowledge development, skills development and realistic scenario practice. Skills learned include:

  • Injury Assessment
  • Illness Assessment
  • Bandaging
  • Splinting for Dislocations and Fractures
  • Training material


Find the next available First Aid Course  from the google calendar below.

If you cannot find any dates for the above course, please contact steve@freedivers.co.uk or call +44 (0) 7940 998915 and we will accommodate you the best we can.

NOTE: Make sure you have the correct course location as there may be a few.

2/4: PAY NOW

Reserve your spot on the course by making the corresponding payment on the next page.


Congratulations – you’re all done. We will send you an email in the next day or two with further course information.


Steve Millard
Steve MillardAIDA Freediving Instructor Trainer & PADI Master Freediving Instructor